The Batch Management Package, which runs on the Harmonas-DEO™ system, is a software package that automates batch manufacturing processes in compliance with the international batch standards ISA S88.01 and JIS C 1807.
BatchSuite™ is a batch production process automation software package that operates on the Harmonas-DEO™ system. It is compliant with ISA S88.01 and JIS C 1807, which are international standards related to batch-based production. In the manufacturing industry, which has shifted to multiproduct variable-quantity production of high-value-added items in recent years, it is essential to develop an execution control system that supplements complex production procedure control in batch-based production. BatchSuite enables easy development of a batch system in a graphical and configuration-based manner.
Compliance with batch production standards S88.01 and JIS C 1807
Batch production facilities are operated for multiple purposes as seen, for example, in multiproduct variable-quantity production, and therefore it is very challenging to integrate batch production management (such as brand/recipe management and schedule management) with a batch operation automation system. BatchSuite is a solution not only for batch control but also for production management, based on a batch process automation model which reflects the hierarchical and modularized structure proposed by ISA S88.01 and JIS C 1807 as well as the batch production model proposed by ISA S95.01.
Recipe management
Production procedures and recipe parameters (settings) are managed by recipe.
A dedicated editor allows users to easily change or add recipes. The recipes can also be managed on a host system.
Operation execution management
A standard screen is provided for managing orders in which the reaction tank, crystallizer, and other devices to be utilized in a batch process perform the process execution management functions for each device and operate the equipment.
Results management
Results collected via a batch operation are managed with their batch ID (also called lot or production number) used as a key.