Electromagnetic Flowmeter MagneW™ PLUS+ Moedel MGG_ _ _/MGF_ _ _/MGS_ _ _ Model No. MGG14C, MGG17D, MGG17F, MGG18D, MGG18F, MGG18U, MGG19D, MGG19F, MGS28U With versatile functions, high visibility and environmental resistance, the MagneW ™ PLUS+ electromagnetic flowmeter has a wide range of applications for cold and hot water, slurry, chemicals, and corrosive liquids. Summary Documents
Two-wire Electromagnetic Flowmeter MagneW™ Two-wire PLUS+ Model MTG_ _ _ Model No. MTG14C, MTG18A, MTG18B This electromagnetic flowmeter allows the creation of a two-wire system between the instrument room and the field. It can be replaced with various two-wire flowmeters. In addition, it uses much less energy than four-wire electromagnetic flowmeters. Summary Documents
Electromagnetic Flowmeter Open Channel Flowmeter Detector MagneW™ PLUS+ Model NNK_ _ _ Model No. NNK140, NNK941, NNK150, NNK951 This immersible electromagnetic flowmeter measures the inflow and outflow of industrial wastewater, water, and sewage in open and closed channels, etc. Summary Documents
Electromagnetic Flowmeter Hyper-Fill MagneW™ Model MGR_ _ _ Model No. MGR11A This is an integrated electromagnetic flowmeter with a stainless-steel case specially designed to be built into a filling machine. Fast response to frequent changes in flow rate in the filling process, with high repeatability. Summary Documents