HART/ Fieldbus Solutions



A Fieldbus is a digital, two-way, multi-drop communication network between intelligent measurement and control devices based on the international standard IEC 61158. Digitalization creates greater communication capability on one pair of wires. It allows a reduction in the number of signal wires between control room and field devices, and facilitates the transfer of a variety of information such as multiple process variables, diagnostic data, calibration data, configuration data, and so on between field devices. It enables remote calibration from the control room. Moreover, it improves plant availability and maintainability by means of diagnostics such as valve diagnostics and plant diagnostics.

FOUNDATION Fieldbus was developed by the Fieldbus Foundation and is used around the world as a de facto standard in the process industries. It can be used in an intrinsically safe environment and has the ability to make use of control functions built into field devices. Its proven interoperability allows the use of devices from multiple vendors.

External link

Link to FieldComm Group website



The HART communication protocol is a communication technology for transferring multiple signals by superimposing low-level digital signals on the 4–20 mA signal that is widely used for standard analog signal transmission.

The benefits of using HART communication are the use of existing 4–20 mA analog networks, and the ability to transfer a richer variety of information, such as multiple process variables and diagnosis data, from HART-compliant field devices to host devices.

Link to FieldComm Group website


FDT/DTM (Field Device Tool/Device Tool Manager) is an open technology designed to standardize the communication and configuration interface between field devices and host systems regardless of the supplier, type, or communication protocol. It provides easy configuration and communication with field devices in a multi-vendor environment by executing FDT in the host system using sophisticated DTMs provided by the various device suppliers.

Link to FDT Group website


A Device Description (DD) provides an electrical description of each parameter in the device. The DD is used in host devices such as a DCS, communicator, etc. The host device is able to handle parameters in the device by interpreting the device's DD. It is possible to maintain interoperability among devices from multiple vendors using digital communication such as HART communication and/or FOUNDATION Fieldbus protocol.

External link

Link to FieldComm Group website