Differential Pressure Indicating Controller Model KFDB Model No. KFDB Model KFDB indicates and controls process variables by converting a change in the differential pressure into mechanical displacement of a torque tube or a torque arm. Summary Documents
Pressure Indicating Controller Model KFPA/KFKB Model No. KFPA, KFKB Models KFPA and KFKB indicate and control process variables by converting a change in pressure into mechanical displacement of a pressure-receiving element. Summary Documents
Temperature Indicating Controller Model KFTA Model No. KFTA Model KFTA indicates and controls the temperature by converting the temperature-induced expansion of liquid or pressure change of gas into the mechanical displacement of a bellows. Summary Documents
Liquid Level Indicating Controller Model KFLB Model No. KFLB Model KFLB is a displacement-type instrument that converts the buoyancy exerted on a float into mechanical displacement of a torque arm or torque tube to indicate and control liquid levels, interface, specific gravity, etc. Summary Documents