JCSS Calibration

JCSS Calibration

Azbil Corporation, of the azbil Group, provides JCSS calibration of liquid flow meters at Azbil Kyoto, a core production facility for electromagnetic flow meters and Coriolis mass flow meters, with a top-level production and calibration facility that has been registered under the JCSS Measurement Business Operator Registration System.

We'll handle the JCSS calibration for a wide range of liquid flow meters, including electromagnetic flow meters, Coriolis mass flow meters, ultrasonic flow meters, etc. for you.

Click here for our flowmeter calibration service

What is JCSS?

This is a system established to ensure the traceability of reliable measurements in Japan. It is an abbreviation for the Japan Calibration Service System. The application of this system is stipulated in Article 143 of the Measurement Law, and it is positioned as one of the national standard supply systems. Unlike the regular calibration of flow meters, it conforms to ISO 17025, and is a system with certification mutually recognized internationally among member countries.

Difference between JCSS calibration and general calibration


JCSS (Japan Calibration Service System)

This is a calibration business registration system introduced in 1993 to ensure the reliability of high-accuracy measurement and quality control. While general calibration can be performed by self-declaration, under JCSS, which is certified by the National Institute of Technology and Evaluation (NITE), after examining whether the quality system, calibration method, uncertainty estimation, equipment, etc. of the business operator are appropriate for performing calibration, and whether the quality system is being operated as specified, etc., and if it is registered as satisfying the standards of ISO/IEC 17025*1, it is possible to issue a calibration certificate with the JCSS mark. In addition, in the JCSS, the environment for calibration has been categorized into the following three types:

Calibration at a permanent establishment: calibration performed at a permanent calibration facility

On-site calibration: calibration performed by a calibration service provider at premises other than where permanent calibration facilities are located

Remote calibration: calibration performed by exchanging calibration-related information with customers regarding their calibration equipment installed outside the permanent calibration facility, without sending calibration service personnel

* 1 International standard for general requirements related to the capabilities of testing facilities and calibration organizations

Introduction of the azbil Group calibration equipment

Calibration equipment (tank)
Calibration equipment (tank)
A 35m high tank.
It is an overflow type elevated water tank, that can keep the water head pressure constant.

Azbil Kyoto Co., Ltd., located in Kyoto, Funai-gun, Kyoto, Japan, is engaged in the integrated production of Azbil Corporation's electromagnetic flowmeters. Its facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art calibration equipment to flexibly meet customer needs.

Stainless steel is used for all pipes up to 300 mm in length for the calibration equipment. In addition, in order to achieve stable calibration, the equipment is designed to meet the JCSS standards for liquid (water), with a view to mutual certification with countries around the world.


上流直管長 最大50Dを確保した配管
Piping with a maximum straight pipe length of 50D upstream
The maximum diameter is up to 1,200 mm.
Nine weighing scales using the mass method are available, with the production capacity of 30,000.
立ち会い検査用 専用設備
Dedicated facilities for on-site inspections
Supports up to 200 mm diameter.
We have prepared facilities where customers can check their products with confidence.