Discontinued products (Field Devices and Control Valves)

Discontinued products for factories and plants

Products discontinued in or after January 2023

Click on the tabs below for more information about discontinued products.


  • The end-of-sales date may vary depending on the circumstances.
  • We will make every effort to supply maintenance parts, but the end-of-sales date may be brought forward depending on the inventories and the situations of partner companies. 
    Please contact us regarding the availability of spare parts. Please note that we may not be able to supply all parts after we stop taking orders.

    Control Valves

    Product name Discontinued products Recommended replacement product
    Model No. Product document Date of discontinuation (month and year) Last date for parts Model No. Product document
    Auxiliary Equipments for Control Valves / Air lock relay Model VF02 VF02 Document 07/2024 - - -
    Auxiliary Equipments for Control Valves / Pneumatic relay (with manual reset) Model VF03 VF03 Document - - - -
    Auxiliary Equipments for Control Valves / Pneumatic relay Model VF04 VF04 Document - - - -